Monday 30 June 2014

Glastonbury Festival 26.06.14 - 30.06.15


I've just got back from spending the past 4 days at Glastonbury Festival in Somerset frolicking around muddy fields, seeing amazing bands and attempting not to let the rain turn our (surprisingly substantial) £20 Asda tent into swimming baths. Although the weather wasn't it's finest (sheets of rain and multiple thunderstorms), it was incredible. We saw so many bands and all of them were amazing, but I think Elbow, MGMT and Jack White were highlights. It's impossible to understand how amazing a place Glastonbury is if you haven't physically experienced it but I tried to get a few photos of some of the views and areas there - there are so many places we didn't even get to see because there just wasn't enough time and the festival is the size of a planet!
Hope you like the pictures,
Eloïse x

One of the best things about the festival aside from the music is the food. Any food you could possibly think of is there and there is quite literally a stall for anything, from square pies to halloumi cones. This made deciding what to eat QUITE THE CHALLENGE. There are also countless huge tent cafés  which are all lit up with fairy lights and bunting with cushions scattered everywhere, which is perfect for when you want to relax after standing up all day.

There were loads of shop stalls selling ponchos, jumpers, kimonos and pretty much any funky item of clothing to exist. I've decided that ponchos are the best because they are essentially blankets in the vague form of clothes, but unfortunately they are for some unknown reason slightly socially unacceptable outside of the muddy, cold fields of the farm!

I didn't really get to wear a lot of the clothes I bought with me because they either got completely soaked and muddy in the tent, or because it was just too cold. But I went a bit wild with a fringed, summery kimono, floral wellies (that split after the first day) and a red-indian headdress that I bought at the festival!

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