Friday 5 September 2014

Liebster Award

Thank you to the lovely Holly and Summer for nominating us! Neither of us had heard of this before, but it seems like fun so we thought we might as well participate.

The rules :

  • Thank the lovely blogger who has nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions they’ve asked you.
  • Nominate 11 blogger's (they have to have under 200 followers).
  • Ask them 11 questions which they can answer in a post.

Our questions from the twins:

1. Who is your biggest celebrity crush? 
Finn from My Mad Fat Diary. and Matt Hitt. 
2. What is one thing that is on your bucket list? 
We hope to go interrailing together with friends at some point! 
3. Favorite fictional character? 
4. Name one strange fact about yourself!
Once the two of us were walking along Oxford Street and we somehow ended up participating in a protest march. We walked with them for a while then slyly departed down a nearby sideroad. To this day we have no idea what we were protesting for.
5. If you could pack up and leave, and go wherever you wanted to right now, where would you go and why?
New Zealand because it's beaaautiful. Or Norway to see the fjords and northern lights because it looks magical.
6. Who is your inspiration/role model? Why? 
So bad at answering role model questions fdjhakfjh idk
7. Earliest childhood memory? 
Eloïse: My mum being pregnant with my little brother
Ella: A Christmas holiday in Poland
8. What inspired you to start blogging? 
Just the fact that it seemed quite fun to be honest. And also Holly and Summer's blog!
9. Tell us 2 lies and 1 truth about your life, not saying which is which!
- Ella once introduced herself as Eloïse to a teacher unintentionally
- Eloïse once fell into the lake in Hyde Park
- Ella was born in Yemen.
10. How do you like spending your free time?
Making rash purchases on ASOS and sleeping.
11. Describe your perfect Sunday.
Lie in, have a fry up, go to a funky market like Brick Lane or Portobello and eat in a cute café.

Our questions to YOU:
1. How do you like your steak cooked?
2. Favourite cheese?
3. Favourite season?
4. What's your favourite place on Earth?
5. Describe your perfect holiday.
6. Who is your fashion inspiration?
7. Marmite : Love it or hate it?
8. What is your hot beverage of choice?
9. What has been the strangest moment of your life?
10. Your dream place to live?
11. Name an item of clothing you couldn't live without!

We don't really know loads of bloggers so if you happen to be reading this, YOU ARE NOMINATED! If you do decide to participate, let us know in the comments!

Ella and Eloïse x

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